ImOn Construction Process

Here is what you can expect during our fiber network construction process. Once we’re done, you’ll have access to the fastest, most reliable, and most secure Internet technology in existence!

One to two weeks before construction begins, the city and utility companies will locate existing utility lines on your property using spray paint and/or small utility flags. Please do not remove the flags or paint until we give the okay.

ImOn’s construction crew will dig a few holes to verify the depth of the utility lines in various locations along the construction route. These holes will be fenced off with orange construction fencing and will not be open for more than 5 days. 

Our crew will use a boring machine to make small holes and run plastic conduit (orange tubing) underground. The conduit will house and protect the fiber network cables. This boring method minimizes damage to your property. We also lay large rubber mats under the boring machine to distribute its weight evenly over a large area and prevent yard ruts or sidewalk cracks.

The ImOn construction crew will then install utility pedestals and cabinets, which hold ImOn’s network connections and equipment above ground so that technicians may access it if needed. ImOn tries to set these between property lines or next to other utility boxes on your property.

ImOn’s construction crews will restore any area of your lawn impacted by our work. We fill holes with at least 6 inches of black dirt, level it with a rake, and spread grass seed and fertilizer. We encourage homeowners to water these areas for optimal grass re-growth.

ImOn construction crews will now pull the fiber cables through the conduit that was installed underground. These cables are made of tiny strands of glass that transmit digital information at the speed of light. They will connect each home on your street to our advanced, 100% fiber Internet network.

ImOn technicians splice – a.k.a. connect – the newly laid fiber cables to each other and to our network. Each strand of fiber is thinner than a human hair, so this requires the skill of a surgeon. One individual strand will go to each home, giving them a personal, dedicated connection to the network.

Our team will test the fiber cables to ensure data is flowing through each strand at the appropriate levels. If something is not working correctly, the crew will make the necessary adjustments.

ImOn construction crews go back through the entire construction area to double check that the initial restoration work is still intact. If holes have reappeared due to the dirt settling, crews will refill and reseed.

Internet service is live, and ImOn’s new fiber network is now ready to be installed! Everyone who signed up for service during the construction process will be contacted to schedule their FREE installation at their earliest convenience.  

Click here to check the status of construction in your fiberhood.

Check Status

A Few More Things to Know:

  1. Our construction crew will be clearly identified with ImOn safety vests, helmets, or shirts.
  2. All construction will take place between 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM. 
  3. No construction equipment will be parked on your lawn overnight. 
  4. There may be road closures, lane restrictions, or on-street parking restrictions. If that is necessary, we will notify you in advance.